Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Dark Knight -- 9.8 / 10


The acting was superb, although I don't like how Christian Bale changes his voice when he's Batman. Heath Ledger really stole the show with his portrayal of The Joker. I literally cannot say enough about his performance.

People have been saying that Heath Ledger will win an Oscar because it was his last film, but he really deserves to win any award this character goes up for.

Two-Face - Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), played by one of my favorite actors, was excellent.

On a scale of 1 - 10 I would give this movie a 9.8

It's gonna shatter all box-office records.

-Billy at the Movies

Friday, June 27, 2008


I bought a new laptop and it comes with a blu-ray player. I really don't want to spend a bunch of money on movies I already have. But sacrifices must be made and Costco had an excellent deal on 7 blu-ray DVDs for 129.99

So I now own:
Spiderman 2 / 2.1
Spiderman 3
Hell Boy
Underworld Evolution

I have watched Spiderman 2, Hell Boy, and Underworld.

I have always thought the Spiderman movies looked...cheesy. Lets face it, all of the movies look totally fake. Hell Boy looked much better in the theaters than any of the Spidey movies. And now I have seen them on Blu-ray, and ya know what?

It looks even cheesier. The clearer picture makes the CGI look even worse. Spiderman looked clean, crisp, clear, and totally horrible! Hell Boy looked pretty decent except for a couple of scenes. Underworld for some reason looked really good. None of the CGI looked cheesy or strange or anything.

I wonder how Ghostrider will turn out?


The Happening

The Happening.

I don't even to have to see it to tell you how good its going to be.

The beginning is gonna be spooky and draw us in.

The middle is going to shock us and make us hold our breath for the ending.

The going to blow chunks.

You know why? Cause it is a M. Night Shamalayan movie.

So far 6th Sense and Signs have been his only good throughout movies. Signs kind of blew at the end, seriously Aliens try to conquer a planet that is 70% of a think that will kill them. A planet where death literally rains from above!!!! And are you telling me that Farmer Gibson never turned on his sprinklers for his corn crop.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction

When I first saw the movie trailers for this movie I was greatly intrigued. An IRS agent is suddenly having his life narrated by an author and this narrator tells him he is going to die, but gives no details.

The week the movie came out I was unable to watch it because I was out of town for a school meeting. My friend and his wife were able to watch the movie and upon returning I was told it was a great disappointment and not worth seeing. Disappointed first that my friend went to this movie without me and second that it was so bad, I promptly put it from my mind and carried on.

Until about 3 hours ago when I decided I wanted to see for myself how bad the movie was. After all my friend and I had disagreed before on the horribleness of a movie, perhaps I would like this one.

I loved it. This movie completely changed how I feel about Will Ferrell. Really I cannot stand the guy, sorry. I refused to watch Elf, Talladega Nights was mediocre at best and really I find his movies to be childish, unentertaining drivel. I feel as if Adam Sandler has just give his response to the final question at the end of Billy Madison and I am now dumber for having sat through one of his movies. That is how I feel about Will Ferrell.

Maybe I should say felt. He did not play the brain dead, inbred, paint-chip eating moron his characters usually are. His character was quiet, sophisticated, introverted, and completely identifiable with the audience.

It was as if I was reading a book by one of my favorite authors and just could not get enough. There were no truly suspenseful moments, no explosions or random gunfire, no classically romantic scenes, or dramatic monologues, but the entire movie had me sitting on the edge wondering what would happen next.

This movie was, with certain exceptions, excellent. I cannot go into more detail without spoiling the movie for those who have not seen it. The only exception I could find would be with the ending, but they even managed to cover that adequately. Not great mind you, but more than well enough to still keep the movie from falling apart as so many have done.

I would love to say I will be running out today to buy this movie on Blu-Ray, but as good as the movie was I cannot justify spending $30 on it when I do not yet own a Blu-Ray player. That being said I will be purchasing this movie in the very near future and would gladly recommend it for anyone who wants a good story driven movie.

This movie deserves a chance by anyone looking for an evening of entertainment. At the very least it is a must rent and if found in the bargain bin a must own.

On a scale of 1 - 10 I give this movie: 9 out of 10

My First Post - Mission Statement

It began with a simple poster: [Insert Business Here] Nite at the Movies. Come Join your fellow employees in watching....whatever happened to be the big movie coming out. I am of course the one who started it. I printed the fliers at home and posted them at work. Generally it was for the first midnight showing of a movie. Harry Potter, The Incredibles, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, etc. Some people would request a movie and I would list put up the flier for it. I would ask people if they would like to see a movie with their fellow employees and I would receive a resounding yes. I was told to be sure to save a seat. I was the only one to show up on many occasions.

My feelings are hurt but my spirit is not crushed. I stop putting up fliers and go alone. One person who frequently did go to the [Insert Business Here] Nite at the Movies and would bring his wife began to join me.

Now almost every week my friend, his wife, and I go out to the movie theater and catch a flick or, more usually, two.

I am still asked, quite regularly at work what I think of a certain movie, or when I am going to see it. I have decided to share my opinion thru this blog. Blogs afford the writer certain privileges. Privileges that are invaluable. The linking of official movie sites or pictures to help illustrate points are but a few of the advantages that blogging has afforded the writer.

This is my movie blog. Here I will give my opinion of the movies I watch, rent, own, and buy. Others will not always agree and I will not always be able to explain myself fully without ruining something that I think is important to the story. I will, however, attempt to do my best.

And so it begins....